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Massachusetts RealEstateRama

Massachusetts RealEstateRama is an Internet based Real Estate News and Press Release distributor chanel of RealEstateRama for Massachusetts Real Estate publishing community.

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MassHousing Sponsoring Free Homebuyer Fair at the Dartmouth Mall on Oct. 25 in Conjunction...

MassHousing is sponsoring a free Homebuyer Fair, this Saturday, October 25, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Dartmouth Mall in conjunction with the Fall River/New Bedford Housing Partnership

Mayor Walsh releases “Housing a Changing City: Boston 2030”

Mayor Martin J. Walsh today released “Housing a Changing City: Boston 2030,” the administration’s housing plan. The plan, which aims to create housing across demographics and neighborhoods, outlines the City’s strategies for housing an expected 91,000 new Bostonians by the year 2030, and calls for the creation of 53,000 new units of housing at a variety of income levels across the City

Mayor Walsh Announces City has helped secure $3.8 million to help homeless and at-risk...

Today Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that the City of Boston has helped secure $3.8 million in resources towards housing and preventing homelessness for veterans. The resources come in the form of a $3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for providing services to low- and very-low income veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, and an award from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) of 85 rental assistance vouchers for the VA Supportive Housing Program (VASH), valued at approximately $870,000, to enable homeless veterans to access affordable housing with an array of supportive services

East Boston Branch of the Boston Public Library Awarded Prestigious LEED® Green Building Certification

Today Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that the East Boston Branch of the Boston Public Library earned LEED Gold certification. Established by the U.S. Green Building Council and verified by the Green Building Certification Institute, LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is the world's foremost certification program for the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of green buildings.

AG Awards Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association with Overseeing Grant Program to Assist Struggling...

The Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) has been chosen to coordinate and oversee a statewide program which works directly with families and individuals facing foreclosure, utilizing funds recovered through the nationwide state-federal settlement over unlawful foreclosures, Attorney General Martha Coakley announced today

AG Offers Consumer Tips Following Home Depot Data Breach, Announces Multistate Investigation

Following reports of a data breach at Home Depot that is estimated to have put approximately 56 million credit and debit card numbers at risk nationwide, Attorney General Martha Coakley offers consumers information on how to protect their information against identity theft

Former South Hadley Funeral Home Sued for Mishandling Human Remains and Misappropriating Consumer Deposits

A former South Hadley funeral home and its funeral director have been sued over allegations of improperly handling unembalmed human bodies and misappropriating consumer deposits intended for future funeral arrangements, Attorney General Martha Coakley announced today.

Mayor Walsh Unveils New Boston Solar Map

Mayor Martin J. Walsh today launched Solar SystemTM Boston, a new map which enables homeowners and businesses to quickly and easily understand their roof’s solar potential and installation cost estimates. With over 12 MW of solar PV installed in Boston producing roughly enough power to supply 2,000 homes, the new solar map is one more tool to accelerate the adoption of solar and help Boston meet its goal of installing 25 MW of solar by 2020

MassHousing Loan Closings of $9.1 Million will Extend Affordability and Help Renovate Wareham Apartment...

Residents at the 100-unit Woods at Wareham will see affordability there extended along with substantial improvements to the property as a result of $9.1 million in MassHousing loans

MassHousing provided nearly $1 billion for affordable housing in fiscal year 2014

Strong demand for affordable home mortgage loans propels Agency to second-best lending year ever BOSTON – September 4, 2014 – MassHousing provided $985.2 million for affordable housing in Fiscal Year 2014, which ended June 30, 2014. It was the second-best lending year in the Agency’s 48-year history

MassHousing Loan Closings of $16.6 Million Will Preserve Affordability for Senior Citizens Living at...

BOSTON - August 28, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- Affordability for senior citizens living at the 135-unit Beacon House on Beacon Hill has been extended in perpetuity by the new ownership as a result of $16.6 million in MassHousing financing

Mayor Walsh Announces Multi-Faceted

BOSTON - August 28, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced a comprehensive strategy to assist students moving into off-campus housing in Boston’s neighborhoods for the 2014-2015 academic year. Representatives from several City departments will conduct targeted housing inspections, trash inspections, and information drops, in student-heavy neighborhoods, fromFriday, August 29, through Monday, September 1, 2014. In addition, the City has launched a social media campaign, called #Boston101, to highlight city services available to students throughout the year

Abandoned Worcester Factory to be Converted into 94 Affordable Apartments with $17 Million in...

BOSTON - August 19, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- An abandoned factory building in Worcester will be converted into 94 new affordable apartments as a result of $17 million in MassHousing loans.

Patrick Administration Announces Expansion Of Housing Development Incentive Program To Support Housing In Gateway...

BOSTON - August 18, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- Housing and Economic Development Secretary Greg Bialecki today announced the start of the application process for state tax credits for developers with qualifying proposals for larger market rate housing projects in Gateway cities. The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will grant waivers to otherwise qualifying projects that exceed the current regulatory limit of 50 market rate units per project under the Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP)

Mayor Walsh Announces the Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building

BOSTON - August 1, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that the Ferdinand Building will be renamed the Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building. Bolling was a staunch supporter of equal access to jobs and housing as a City Councilor and fought to bring economic development and investment to Roxbury. The naming will be official following a vote by the Public Facilities Commission, which may take place as early as August 6


AG Healey Secures $2 Million in Restitution for 20,000 Massachusetts Homeowners...

One of the nation’s largest mortgage servicers will pay $2 million in restitution to resolve allegations that it violated state law and committed unfair and deceptive practices by charging Massachusetts homeowners for unnecessary fees and overpriced force-placed insurance policies, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today